Saturday, April 27, 2013

Famous Vermonters Wax Museum

A variety of famous Vermonters were recognized 
at the Famous Vermonters Wax Museum.

Olympic Skier Andrea Mead Lawrence
a.k.a. Bethany

Snowflake Bentley
a.k.a. Clara

Olympic Skier Barbara Cochran
a.k.a. Ella

Race Car Driver Kevin LaPage
a.k.a. Evan

Writer/Author Rudyard Kipling
a.k.a. Margaret

Artist Woody Jackson
a.k.a. Silas

Mother of the Green Mountain Boys -  Ann Story
a.k.a. Olivia

Green Mountain Boy Ethan Allen
a.k.a. Griffin

Writer/Author Molly Hemenway
a.k.a. Lydia

Molly Robinson from Rokeby House in Ferrisburg, Vermont.
a.k.a. Lena

Poet Robert Frost
a.k.a. Ireland

Real Life Vermont Actor Fred Tuttle
a.k.a. Kieran

Inventor John Deere
a.k.a. Jarod

The museum has visitors!

Ann Story Cabin, Farmingdale Cemetery, and Ethan Allen Cave Field Trip

Heading down the road to the Story Homestead!

Remains of the cabin that was donated to the Story site.
This cabin was similar to the original Story home.  
The remains that stand on this site today are similar to
what the Story family found when they returned from their 
Otter Creek cave and found Indians had burned their cabin.
Some surprised students - some not so surprised!

Historian and teacher Diane Benware from Salisbury Elementary 
School met us at the Story site to answer questions and give us 
more information.  Thanks, Diane!

Standing near the monument dedicated to Ann Story - at the Story site.  
Students near Ann Story's gravestone at Farmingdale Cemetery.

Monument that marks the site of the Smauley family homestead. 
The Smauleys were friends of the Story family.

Heading for the trailhead to Ethan Allen cave!

Follow the white blaze!

Vanessa gets ready to demonstrate acorn cap whistling!

And whistle she did!

Check out Ethan Allen's cool (literally) cave!

It even has a window!

Time to eat!

A neat climbing nook!
Silas decided to have lunch on the go!

Chillin' on the log in front of Ethan Allen's cave!

Students gather on "Big Rock!" 

Down by the stream - end of the hike!
Skipping stones and finding interesting rocks!