Saturday, March 30, 2013

Vermont County Television Network (VCTN) commercials

Check out the commercials.  
Which county or counties would you like to visit?
(Students wanted to pretend the county commercials were 
interrupting regular TV programming, so those clips are
inserted between the county commercials.)

Introduction by Griffin

Going to commercial break with Olivia!
Sorry to interrupt Go Diego Go!

First county stops  are with Jarod and Griffin.
 So much to do in the wilds of Orleans, 
Caledonia, and Franklin County 

 Clara takes you to a commercial break!
Sponge Bob Squarepants will be back shortly. 

Olivia and Margaret invite you to check out
all kinds of sites and food in
Chittenden and Addison counties!

Jarod interrupts Fast and Loud
taking you to another commercial break! 

Here's hoping you'll come to Washington and Orange counties!
So much to do and so many ways to support Vermont economy!
Clara, Bethany, and Lena!

A somber Evan interrupts a Justin Bieber Special to 
take you to another commercial break!

Ireland and Kieran cordially invite you to visit Vermont's 
southeast corner, Windsor and Windham counties.  The hotel
at the end of the day sounds great!!!

Lydia is really sorry to interrupt Sesame Street
(one of her favorites) to 
go to another commercial break!

Ella and Evan take you touring Grand Isle, Franklin, 
and Lamoille counties.  From the sand dunes in 
Grand Isle county to Mt. Mansfield, the highest point in Vermont.

Lena's so sorry to interrupt Bratz Babies for this 
commercial break, but it is a "Kid Friendly" commercial.

Silas and Lydia want you to discover 
Rutland and Bennington counties especially 
if you are a "maple maniac," 
are "psycho for cider," 
or are "hysterical about history." 

Ella promises there will be no more commercial breaks!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

What does stand for?

It is an acronym to help students remember the fourteen Vermont counties.

The Painted Essay!

The painted essay is a format students use to aid in planning and 
constructing responses to literature.  Students were introduced to 
the painted essay format by painting their own templates.   Ask 
your child how this template can help with planning a response.

The students will use this template as they respond to the question 
"Who is the real Green Mountain Hero?"
They will choose and write about the person they think is the hero in the book
Green Mountain Hero.

Silas, Lena, Jarod, and Ireland

Bethany, Ella, and Griffin

Lydia, Evan, and Olivia

Margaret, Clara, and Kieran

Sample of a painted essay template.
Follow the link below to see more on the painted essay.

Vermont Cookies?

How perfect was the timing of Otter Creek Bakery?  When Silas and his 
mom visited Otter Creek Bakery the other day, they discovered these 
fabulous Vermont cookies!  Silas decided to buy one for each of the 
students (Okay, maybe the bakery only had eleven VT cookies), but 
the other two students got chocolate ducks!  Pretty sure they were 
Vermont Free Range Ducks!
Thanks for thinking of your classmates, Silas!

Yep! It's Vermont!

Up close and personal Vermont cookies!

County Commercials

Fourth Graders have been busy working on "County Commercials."  The 14 Vermont counties were divided up and students have been working in teams to research their counties, create a counties poster, and develop a commercial that highlights important aspects of the counties.  Students will present their posters and commercials to fifth graders in hopes of enticing them to come visit to their county!  Check out the students working on this project.
Ireland and Kieran practice their commercial for
Windsor and Windham counties.

Margaret and Olivia work on their commercial for
Addison and Chittenden counties.

Clara, Lena, and Bethany put the finishing touches on their 
Washington and Orange county poster.

Jarod and Griffin work on their commercial for
Orleans, Caledonia, and Essex counties.

Evan and Ella add finishing touches to their
Grand Isle, Franklin, and Lamoille county poster.

Silas and Lydia practice delivery of their commercial for
Bennington and Rutland counties.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Auger!

All fourth graders tried out the auger and some opted for photos.  
This auger is similar to the one used by Amos and Solomon Story 
in the book Green Mountain Hero.  It was pretty much unanimous 
that fourth graders would prefer a power drill!









Vermont Maps!

Fourth graders spent time up close and personal with Vermont Maps.  
They worked in teams and were challenged to look at any two of the 
following map characteristics and then report out on what they noticed.
It is amazing how much students learn about maps through an activity like this.
Check in with your child about what he or she learned about the Vermont map.

Margaret and Bethany

Lydia and Evan

Olivia and Ireland

Lena and Silas

Clara and Jarod

Griffin (Mrs. Giles was his teammate)

Ella and Kieran